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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Yesterday I listened to the radio. The host of the radio told a story, an inspiration story. Interesting topic. A little thing about commitment. What was happened in this months are some topics about actor and actress divorce. When the first actor or actress divorce’s happened, it was shock story. Everyone who saws the news, was surprised. Some of their fans felt regret with it. All they knew, those couple is nice couple of husband and wife. They were happy family and impossible to divorce. But finally, they divorced. The fans could feel sad, it’s commonly cause it was their rights. However, all decisions were in the couple’s hand.

Divorce has strong relationship with a commitment. For me, a commitment is one of the important thing. Commitment is just like a promise. A promise is a debt. If we have a debt with someone else, we have to pay it. So did a promise. It’s better for us to think twice before making a promise. Easy to make but difficult to pay or obey. Just like when we make a commitment. If we loved someone, we are willing to do anything for our lover. No matter what will be happened. They didn’t realize that they can make a commitment without thinking. They just stated on behalf of love. No problem, as long as love always stays on their heart. But sometimes people feel bored with their relationship. And they choose the easiest way to solve their problem. Finding a happiness with somebody else. They didn’t think carefully. They forgot their own commitment which were made by them.

Therefore, make a sureness we’ll obey our commitment when we make it. It isn’t easy to start a good relationship, so that important for us to keep it. First commitment made on behalf of love. So every problem in a marriage should solve with love too.

On behalf of love, please make a good commitment with full of responsibility. So that, there is no victim on their marriage. Commitment can be beautiful moment when we make it. Remember, the first step we know someone. Slowly but sure, we can fall in love with him/her. Then we start to make a relationship. It can develop to next step. Making a commitment with someone who we love. Once again, on behalf of love. Wisely for us to keep our commitment. An everlasting commitment. Now we know that commitment is very important. Never disobey a commitment after making it.

2 komentar:

Anonymous said...

no comment lah.. abdi mah ga bisah bhs inggrisan pisan, kumaha yeuh?..hehehe

Anonymous said...

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